Biblioteca Personale
Elenco libri sulle piante carnivore: (luglio 2013)
Pubblico questo elenco e lo mantengo aggiornato per condividere i libri che ho a disposizione sulle piante carnivore sia per amore della lettura sia per renderli disponibili a chi cerca informazioni sulle mie piante.
- Peter D'Amato "The Savage Garden", Ten Speed Pr (maggio 1998). ISBN 0898159156
- Adam Cross, "Aldrovanda, the waterwheel plant", RedFern Natural History (2012). ISBN 978-1908787040
- Stewart McPherson, "Carnivorous plants in their habitat (VOL. 1)", RedFern Natural History (2010). ISBN 978-0955891816
- Stewart McPherson, "Carnivorous plants in their habitat (VOL. 2)", RedFern Natural History (2010). ISBN 978-0955891854
- Stewart McPherson, "Glistening carnivores", RedFern Natural History (2008). ISBN 978-0955891816
- Stewart McPherson, "Pitcher plants of the Americas", RedFern Natural History (2006). ISBN 0939923742
- Stewart McPherson, "Pitcher plants of the old world, VOL. 1", RedFern Natural History (2009). ISBN 9780955891823
- Stewart McPherson, "Pitcher plants of the old world, VOL.2", RedFern Natural History (2009). ISBN 9780955891830
- Nick Romanowski, "Gardening with carnivores", University Press of Florida (2002). ISBN 0868404527
- J. Ainsworth, "Sarracenia". The National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens, UK (1996). ISBN 0951862332.
- Hugo Steiner, "Borneo: Its Mountains and Lowlands with their Pitcher Plants. Trekking from 1992 to 2002", Toihaan Publishing Company (2002). ISBN 9834042116
- Gerard Blondeau, "Il grande libro delle piante carnivore", De Vecchi (2002). ISBN 884124979X
- Donald Schnell, "Carnivorous Plants of the United States and Canada", John F. Blair, Publisher, Winston-Salem (2002). ISBN 0910244901
- Charles Clarke, Lee Ch'ien, "A pocket guide to the pitcher plants of Sarawak", Natural History Publications (Borneo) (2004). ISBN 983812091X
- Charles Clarke, "Nepenethes of Borneo", Natural History Publications (Borneo) (1997). ISBN 9838120154
- Charles Clarke, "A Guide to the pitcher plants of the peninsular Malaysia", Natural History Publications (Borneo) (2002). ISBN 9838120618
- Charles Clarke, "A guide to the pitcher plants of Sabah", Natural History Publications (Borneo) (2001). ISBN 983812057X
- Charles Clarke, "Nepenthes of Sumatra and peninsular Malaysia", Natural History Publications (Borneo) (2001). ISBN 9838120502
- Berry Rice, "Growing carnivorous plants", Timber Press (2006). ISBN 978-0881928070
- Allen Lowrie, "Carnivorous plants of Australia, VOL. 1", University of Western Australia Press (1987). ISBN 0855642548
- Allen Lowrie, "Carnivorous plants of Australia, VOL. 2", University of Western Australia Press (1989). ISBN 0855642998
- Allen Lowrie, "Carnivorous plants of Australia Vol. 3", University of Western Australia Press (1999). ISBN 1875560599
- Tony Camilleri, "Carnivorous plants", Kangaroo Press (1999). ISBN 0864179170
- Gordon Cheers, "A guide to the carnivorous plants of the world", Globe Press (1983). ISBN 0959193707
- P. & J. Pietropaolo, "Carnivorous plants of the world", R.J.Stoneridge (1974). ISBN 7478287
- Bruce Salmon, "Carnivorous plants of New Zealand", Ecosphere Publications (2002). ISBN 047308032X
- Peter Taylor, "The genus Utricularia A taxonomic monograph", Kew Bulletin Additional Series XIV (1989). ISBN 0947643729 o 0112500463
- Gert Hoogenstrijd, "Carniflora", Uitgeverij Palmblad (2002). ISBN 9080721611
- Bruno Foggi, "Le piante carnivore", Pubblicazioni dell'Orto Botanico di Firenze (1994). ISBN --
- Insectivorous Plants Society, "Amazing World of the Carnivorous Plant" (2003). ISBN 4416403054
- Tim S. Bailey, "Miraculum Naturae: Venus's Flytrap", Pitcherhouse Productions (2008). ISBN 978-1425132677
- B. von Arx, J. Schlauer, "CITES Carnivorous Plant Checklist", Royal Botanic Gardens (2001). ISBN --
- Adrian Slack, "Carnivorous plants", Ebury Press (1979). ISBN 0262191865
- Alessandra Perugi, Cardellicchio Riccardo, Malvolti Alberto:, "Rugiada del sole", Il Valico (2001). ISBN 8890025603
- C. Dietz, A. Jaeger, C.J. Lenz e C. Paul, "Carnivorous plants of the Western Cape South Africa 2009"
- Nathan Aaseng, "Meat-Eating Plants", Weird and wacky science (1996). ISBN 0894906178
- Hans Augusto Rey, "Elizabite: Adventures of a Carnivorous Plant", Harper & brothers (1942). ISBN 000248963
Rita Corino